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About Candid

Preschool in ravet

Short story about our School

Candid Nursery School has provided students with vibrant and Supportive school community since 2016. Since then till now, we have celebrated the uniqueness of every single child each day. At Candid Nursery School, we create magical experiences for our little learners. We enrich their thoughts and stimulate them with a host of activities . Our teachers are well trained and work to achieve only a single goal i.e To provide children a culturally sound environment, right values, love and protection needed for a healthy body, mind and soul in the most critical years of a child’s growing age.

The teaching methodology that we follow here implements a skill-based education system and is a combination of Traditional and Montessori method of teaching that aims to help your child’s overall physical, social, intellectual and emotional development.


In our vision for preschool education, we prioritize the creation of a safe and nurturing environment that serves as the cornerstone of every child's learning journey. This environment is carefully crafted to be not only physically secure but also emotionally supportive, ensuring that children feel valued, respected, and free to express themselves. Within this nurturing space, we embrace a child-based curriculum that recognizes the unique needs, interests, and abilities of each individual child. By placing the child at the center of the learning experience, we empower them to take ownership of their education, instilling a sense independence from an early age. Through hands-on exploration, open-ended inquiry, and collaborative problem-solving, we encourage children to think critically, analyze information, and make informed decisions which are essential for navigating the complexities of the modern world. By fostering a culture of questioning and exploration, we are preparing them to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing society. Our commitment to holistic education extends beyond the confines of the classroom, embracing the natural world as a rich and vibrant learning environment. Through outdoor exploration, nature-based activities, we inspire children to develop a deep appreciation for the wonders of the natural world. Helping them create a profound connection with the world around them. Our commitment to partnership with parents and families, we create a supportive network that extends beyond the walls of the classroom, enriching the learning experience and strengthening the bonds between home and school. This extends to all aspects of preschool life, from celebrating milestones and achievements to addressing challenges and concerns. We recognize the importance of building strong relationships built on mutual trust, empathy, and understanding, ensuring that every family is respected, and supported. Together, we work towards a shared goal of nurturing happy, healthy, and thriving children who are prepared to succeed in school and in life.

Nursery School in ravet

Director: Mrs. Palak Gandhi

People usually consider walking on water or in thin air is a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognize: a blue sky, White clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child-- our own two eyes. All is a miracle. Candid Nursery School takes pride on our student, leading and enjoying their education in a safe and caring environment. We believe in the inherent worth and potential of each child. To this end we focus on our kids being supported in ways that aim to develop a core set of values and high self- esteem, and make them independent learners. Great stress is placed on learning effective social skills and confidence in communicating through creative and performing arts, a positive attitude toward personal health and respecting themselves, their peers, their teachers and their parents. We believe that when students are engaged in learing and succeeding in things they see value in, school becomes a great deal of fun: ' we like to see our children smiling'
We recognize and celebrate the culture backgrounds of our students and their families, and allow the children to develop greater understanding of the tradition of the many cultures within our school. What makes Candid kid special is the intrest and involvement of our parents. The school sets out to invite parents to share their children's learing journey. I applaud this, because parent involvement on children's education really does help children learn. When you are considering your child's pre- primary education needs, be assured that Candid Nursery School offers a very high quality of overall personality growth of a child.
Welcome to Candid Nursery School, Welcome to a world of wonder.

Address : Sahara Apt. Sector No. 29
Near D-Mart, Ravet Pune 411044.

Phone : +91- 9373 7665 17
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